🙏🏽 Namaste
Wesak Day, is all about celebrating the birth, enlightenment and death of the Buddha, Siddhattha Gotama.
And we would like to take this day to reflect on what we have gone through in 2020 and still struggling living with Covid-19 in 2021.
India, the country of origin for Yoga.
All of us are aware that they are going through some really challenging time hence we would like to run a Charity Virtual Class to collect donation for Covid Relief Fund for India.
For every pax who join the class, Mavis will personally top up another RM 10/pax into this donation drive.
Donation collected will be donating to :
- isha.sadhguru.org
- aidindia.org
If you wish to contribute more, please contact 011 5628 8576
Every little help counts !
Lets do our part to help India.
Maximum pax for this class : 30 pax
Please refer to the attached photo for LIVESTREAM Virtual Class
